Here’s an AS2805 message parser written in C#. With some modifications, I’m sure you could make it work with ISO8583 too.

In my experience, EFT messaging consists of loose standards such as these, where each implementation departs from the standards in subtle ways, so consider this a starting point for learning how it works.

(and if anyone’s wondering ‘what is as2805’, you probably use it every day: it’s the message format that EFTPOS.)

using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Reflection;

class As2805Message
  #region Header fields and Data Element variables
  public int mti = 0;
  public byte[] primaryBitmap = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
  public byte[] de1_SecondaryBitmap = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; // DE1: Bitmap, extended (b64)
  public string de2_PAN; // DE2: PAN (n19)
  public string de3_ProcCode; // DE3: Processing Code (n6)
  public string de4_AmtTxn; // DE4: Amount, Txn (n12)
  public string de5_AmtSettle; // DE5: Amount, Settlement (n12)
  public string de6_AmtCardhBill; // DE6: Amount,Cardholder billing (n12)
  public string de7_TransDttm; // DE7: Transmission date and time (n10)
  public string de8_AmtCardhBillFee; // DE8: Amount, Cardholder billing fee (n8)
  public string de9_ConvRateSettle; // DE9: Conversion rate, settlement (n8)
  public string de10_ConvRateCardhBill; // DE10: Conversion rate, cardh bill (n8)
  public string de11_STAN; // DE11: STAN (n6)
  public string de12_TimeLocal; // DE12: Time, Local txn (n6)
  public string de13_DateLocal; // DE13: Date, Local txn (n4)
  public string de14_DateExpiry; // DE14: Date, expiry (n4)
  public string de15_DateSetl; // DE15: Date, Settlement (n4)
  public string de16_DateConv; // DE16: Date, Conversion (n4)
  public string de17_DateCapt; // DE17: Date, Capture (n4)
  public string de18_MerchType; // DE18: Merchants type (n4)
  public string de19_AcqInstCtryCode; // DE19: Acquiring Inst Count code (n3)
  public string de20_PriAccNumExtCtryCode; // DE20: Prim Acc Num Ext, Count Code (n3)
  public string de21_FwdInstCtryCode; // DE21: Forwarding inst count code (n3)
  public string de22_PosEntryMode; // DE22: POS entry mode (n3)
  public string de23_CardSeqNo; // DE23: Card Seq No (n3)
  public string de24_NetIntlId; // DE24: Net Intl Id (n3)
  public string de25_PosCondCode; // DE25: POS  Cond Code (n2)
  public string de26_PosPinCaptCode; // DE26: POS PIN Capture code (n2)
  public string de27_AuthIdRespLen; // DE27: Auth Ident Resp Len (n1)
  public string de28_AmtTxnFee; // DE28: Amount, Txn fee (xn8)
  public string de29_AmtSettleFee; // DE29: Amount, Settlment fee (xn8)
  public string de30_AmtTxnProcFee; // DE30: Amount, Txn Proc Fee (xn8)
  public string de31_AmtSettleProcFee; // DE31: Amount, Setl Proc Fee (xn8)
  public string de32_AcqInstIdCode; // DE32: Acq Inst Id Code (n11)
  public string de33_FwdInstIdCode; // DE33: Fwd Inst Id code (n11)
  public string de34_PanExt; // DE34: PAN, Extended (ns28)
  public byte[] de35_Track2; // DE35: Track 2 (z37)
  public byte[] de36_Track3; // DE36: Track 3 (z104)
  public string de37_RetRefNo; // DE37: RRN (an12)
  public string de38_AuthIdentResp; // DE38: Auth identification response (an6)
  public string de39_RespCode; // DE39: Response code (an2)
  public string de40_ServRestrCode; // DE40: Service Restr Code (an3)
  public string de41_CardAcptTermId; // DE41: TID (orig ans) (an8)
  public string de42_CardAcptIdCode; // DE42: Card Acceptor Identification Code (orig ans) (an15)
  public string de43_CardAcptNameLoc; // DE43: Card acpt name/loc (orig ans) (an40)
  public byte[] de44_AddtRespData; // DE44: Addtl resp data (ans25)
  public byte[] de45_Track1; // DE45: Track 1 (ans76)
  public byte[] de46_AddtlDataIso; // DE46: Addtl data - ISO (ans999)
  public byte[] de47_AddtlDataNat; // DE47: Addtl data - National (ans999)
  public byte[] de48_AddtlDataPriv; // DE48: Addtl data - Private (ans999)
  public string de49_CurCodeTxn; // DE49: Cur code, txn (a or n3)
  public string de50_CurCodeSettle; // DE50: Cur code, setl (a or n3)
  public string de51_CurCodeCardhBill; // DE51: Cur code, cardh bill (a or n3)
  public byte[] de52_PinData; // DE52: Pin data (b64)
  public string de53_SecControlInfo; // DE53: Security related control info (n16)
  public string de54_AddtlAmts; // DE54: Additional amounts (an120)
  public byte[] de55_ResIso; // DE55: ICC Data (Reserved ISO) (ans999)
  public byte[] de56_ResIso; // DE56: Reserved ISO (ans999)
  public string de57_AmtCash; // DE57: Amount, Cash oz only (n12)
  public string de58_BalanceLedger; // DE58: Ledger balance oz only (n12)
  public string de59_BalanceCleared; // DE59: Acct balance, cleared funds oz only (n12)
  public string de60_PreswipeStatus; // DE60: Preswipe status (Reserved Private, normally ans 999) (an1)
  public byte[] de61_ResPriv; // DE61: Reserved Private (ans999)
  public byte[] de62_ResPriv; // DE62: Reserved Private (ans999)
  public byte[] de63_ResPriv; // DE63: Reserved Private (ans999)
  public byte[] de64_MAC; // DE64: MAC (b64)
  public byte[] de65_Bitmap; // DE65: Bit map, extended 2 (b64)
  public string de66_SettleCode; // DE66: Settlement code (n1)
  public string de67_ExtPayCode; // DE67: Ext payment code (n2)
  public string de68_RecvInstCtryCode; // DE68: Recv inst count code (n3)
  public string de69_SettleInstCtryCode; // DE69: Setl Inst Count code (n3)
  public string de70_NetMgtInfoCode; // DE70: Net mgt info code (n3)
  public string de71_MessageNo; // DE71: Message No (n4)
  public string de72_MessageNoLast; // DE72: Message No Last (n4)
  public string de73_DateAction; // DE73: Date, Action (n6)
  public string de74_CreditsNo; // DE74: Credits, Num (n10)
  public string de75_CreditRevsNo; // DE75: Credit revs, num (n10)
  public string de76_DebitsNo; // DE76: Debits, num (n10)
  public string de77_DebitRevsNo; // DE77: Debit revs, num (n10)
  public string de78_TransfersNo; // DE78: Transfers, num (n10)
  public string de79_TransferRevsNo; // DE79: Transfer revs, num (n10)
  public string de80_InquiriesNo; // DE80: Inquiries, num (n10)
  public string de81_AuthsNo; // DE81: Auths, num (n10)
  public string de82_CreditsProcFeeAmt; // DE82: Credits, proc fee amt (n12)
  public string de83_CreditsTxnFeeAmt; // DE83: Credits, transaction fee amt (n12)
  public string de84_DebitsProcFeeAmt; // DE84: Debits, proc fee amt (n12)
  public string de85_DebitsTxnFeeAmt; // DE85: Debits, transaction fee amt (n12)
  public string de86_CreditsAmt; // DE86: Credits, amt (n16)
  public string de87_CreditRevsAmt; // DE87: Credit revs, amt (n16)
  public string de88_DebitsAmt; // DE88: Debits, amt (n16)
  public string de89_DebitRevsAmt; // DE89: Debit revs, amount (n16)
  public string de90_OrigDataElem; // DE90: Original data elements (n42)
  public string de91_FileUpdateCode; // DE91: File update code (an1)
  public string de92_FileSecCode; // DE92: File security code (an2)
  public string de93_RespInd; // DE93: Response indicator (an5)
  public string de94_ServInd; // DE94: Service indicator (an7)
  public string de95_ReplAmts; // DE95: Replacement amounts (an42)
  public byte[] de96_MsgSecCode; // DE96: Message Security code (b64)
  public string de97_AmtNetSetl; // DE97: Amount, net settlement (xn16)
  public byte[] de98_Payee; // DE98: Payee (ans25)
  public string de99_SettleInstIdCode; // DE99: Setl inst id code (n11)
  public string de100_RecvInstIdCode; // DE100: Recv inst id code (n11)
  public string de101_FileName; // DE101: File name (normally ans) (an17)
  public byte[] de102_AcctId1; // DE102: Account id 1 (ans28)
  public byte[] de103_AcctId2; // DE103: Account id 2 (ans28)
  public byte[] de104_TxnDesc; // DE104: Txn description (ans100)
  public byte[] de105_ResvIso; // DE105: Reserved for iso use (ans999)
  public byte[] de106_ResvIso; // DE106: Reserved for iso use (ans999)
  public byte[] de107_ResvIso; // DE107: Reserved for iso use (ans999)
  public byte[] de108_ResvIso; // DE108: Reserved for iso use (ans999)
  public byte[] de109_ResvIso; // DE109: Reserved for iso use (ans999)
  public byte[] de110_ResvIso; // DE110: Reserved for iso use (ans999)
  public byte[] de111_ResvIso; // DE111: Reserved for iso use (ans999)
  public byte[] de112_ResvNat; // DE112: Reserved for national use (ans999)
  public byte[] de113_ResvNat; // DE113: Reserved for national use (ans999)
  public byte[] de114_ResvNat; // DE114: Reserved for national use (ans999)
  public byte[] de115_ResvNat; // DE115: Reserved for national use (ans999)
  public byte[] de116_ResvNat; // DE116: Reserved for national use (ans999)
  public string de117_CardStatUpdCode; // DE117: Card status update code (oz only) (an2)
  public string de118_TotalCashNo; // DE118: Cash, total number oz only (n10)
  public string de119_TotalCashAmt; // DE119: Cash, total amount oz only (n16)
  public byte[] de120_ResvPriv; // DE120: Reserved for private use (ans999)
  public byte[] de121_ResvPriv; // DE121: Reserved for private use (ans999)
  public byte[] de122_ResvPriv; // DE122: Reserved for private use (ans999)
  public byte[] de123_ResvPriv; // DE123: Reserved for private use (ans999)
  public byte[] de124_ResvPriv; // DE124: Reserved for private use (ans999)
  public byte[] de125_ResvPriv; // DE125: Reserved for private use (ans999)
  public byte[] de126_ResvPriv; // DE126: Reserved for private use (ans999)
  public byte[] de127_ResvPriv; // DE127: Reserved for private use (ans999)
  public byte[] de128_MAC; // DE128: MAC (b64)

  #region Parser
  /// <summary>
  /// Creates an As2805Message object by parsing the given message.
  /// The message should start with the first 2 bytes of the MTI.
  /// </summary>
  public As2805Message(byte[] buf)
    // Read the header fields
    mti =
      (buf[0] >> 4) * 1000 +
      (buf[0] & 0xf) * 100 +
      (buf[1] >> 4) * 10 +
      (buf[1] & 0xf);
    primaryBitmap = B(buf, 2, 8);

    // This keeps track of how much of the buffer we've read so far
    int offset = 10;

    // Read the fields according to which ones are set in the bitmap
    if ((primaryBitmap[0] & 128) > 0) de1_SecondaryBitmap = ReadFixRaw(buf, ref offset, 8);
    if ((primaryBitmap[0] & 64) > 0) de2_PAN = ReadVar2Packed(buf, ref offset, 19);
    if ((primaryBitmap[0] & 32) > 0) de3_ProcCode = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 6);
    if ((primaryBitmap[0] & 16) > 0) de4_AmtTxn = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 12);
    if ((primaryBitmap[0] & 8) > 0) de5_AmtSettle = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 12);
    if ((primaryBitmap[0] & 4) > 0) de6_AmtCardhBill = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 12);
    if ((primaryBitmap[0] & 2) > 0) de7_TransDttm = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 10);
    if ((primaryBitmap[0] & 1) > 0) de8_AmtCardhBillFee = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 8);
    if ((primaryBitmap[1] & 128) > 0) de9_ConvRateSettle = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 8);
    if ((primaryBitmap[1] & 64) > 0) de10_ConvRateCardhBill = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 8);
    if ((primaryBitmap[1] & 32) > 0) de11_STAN = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 6);
    if ((primaryBitmap[1] & 16) > 0) de12_TimeLocal = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 6);
    if ((primaryBitmap[1] & 8) > 0) de13_DateLocal = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 4);
    if ((primaryBitmap[1] & 4) > 0) de14_DateExpiry = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 4);
    if ((primaryBitmap[1] & 2) > 0) de15_DateSetl = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 4);
    if ((primaryBitmap[1] & 1) > 0) de16_DateConv = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 4);
    if ((primaryBitmap[2] & 128) > 0) de17_DateCapt = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 4);
    if ((primaryBitmap[2] & 64) > 0) de18_MerchType = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 4);
    if ((primaryBitmap[2] & 32) > 0) de19_AcqInstCtryCode = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 3);
    if ((primaryBitmap[2] & 16) > 0) de20_PriAccNumExtCtryCode = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 3);
    if ((primaryBitmap[2] & 8) > 0) de21_FwdInstCtryCode = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 3);
    if ((primaryBitmap[2] & 4) > 0) de22_PosEntryMode = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 3);
    if ((primaryBitmap[2] & 2) > 0) de23_CardSeqNo = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 3);
    if ((primaryBitmap[2] & 1) > 0) de24_NetIntlId = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 3);
    if ((primaryBitmap[3] & 128) > 0) de25_PosCondCode = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 2);
    if ((primaryBitmap[3] & 64) > 0) de26_PosPinCaptCode = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 2);
    if ((primaryBitmap[3] & 32) > 0) de27_AuthIdRespLen = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 1);
    if ((primaryBitmap[3] & 16) > 0) de28_AmtTxnFee = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 8);
    if ((primaryBitmap[3] & 8) > 0) de29_AmtSettleFee = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 8);
    if ((primaryBitmap[3] & 4) > 0) de30_AmtTxnProcFee = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 8);
    if ((primaryBitmap[3] & 2) > 0) de31_AmtSettleProcFee = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 8);
    if ((primaryBitmap[3] & 1) > 0) de32_AcqInstIdCode = ReadVar2Packed(buf, ref offset, 11);
    if ((primaryBitmap[4] & 128) > 0) de33_FwdInstIdCode = ReadVar2Packed(buf, ref offset, 11);
    if ((primaryBitmap[4] & 64) > 0) de34_PanExt = S(ReadVar2Raw(buf, ref offset, 28));
    if ((primaryBitmap[4] & 32) > 0) de35_Track2 = ReadVar2Raw(buf, ref offset, 37);
    if ((primaryBitmap[4] & 16) > 0) de36_Track3 = ReadVar3Raw(buf, ref offset, 104);
    if ((primaryBitmap[4] & 8) > 0) de37_RetRefNo = S(ReadFixRaw(buf, ref offset, 12));
    if ((primaryBitmap[4] & 4) > 0) de38_AuthIdentResp = S(ReadFixRaw(buf, ref offset, 6));
    if ((primaryBitmap[4] & 2) > 0) de39_RespCode = S(ReadFixRaw(buf, ref offset, 2));
    if ((primaryBitmap[4] & 1) > 0) de40_ServRestrCode = S(ReadFixRaw(buf, ref offset, 3));
    if ((primaryBitmap[5] & 128) > 0) de41_CardAcptTermId = S(ReadFixRaw(buf, ref offset, 8));
    if ((primaryBitmap[5] & 64) > 0) de42_CardAcptIdCode = S(ReadFixRaw(buf, ref offset, 15));
    if ((primaryBitmap[5] & 32) > 0) de43_CardAcptNameLoc = S(ReadFixRaw(buf, ref offset, 40));
    if ((primaryBitmap[5] & 16) > 0) de44_AddtRespData = ReadVar2Raw(buf, ref offset, 25);
    if ((primaryBitmap[5] & 8) > 0) de45_Track1 = ReadVar2Raw(buf, ref offset, 76);
    if ((primaryBitmap[5] & 4) > 0) de46_AddtlDataIso = ReadVar3Raw(buf, ref offset, 999);
    if ((primaryBitmap[5] & 2) > 0) de47_AddtlDataNat = ReadVar3Raw(buf, ref offset, 999);
    if ((primaryBitmap[5] & 1) > 0) de48_AddtlDataPriv = ReadVar3Raw(buf, ref offset, 999);
    if ((primaryBitmap[6] & 128) > 0) de49_CurCodeTxn = S(ReadFixRaw(buf, ref offset, 3));
    if ((primaryBitmap[6] & 64) > 0) de50_CurCodeSettle = S(ReadFixRaw(buf, ref offset, 3));
    if ((primaryBitmap[6] & 32) > 0) de51_CurCodeCardhBill = S(ReadFixRaw(buf, ref offset, 3));
    if ((primaryBitmap[6] & 16) > 0) de52_PinData = ReadFixRaw(buf, ref offset, 8);
    if ((primaryBitmap[6] & 8) > 0) de53_SecControlInfo = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 16);
    if ((primaryBitmap[6] & 4) > 0) de54_AddtlAmts = S(ReadVar3Raw(buf, ref offset, 120));
    if ((primaryBitmap[6] & 2) > 0) de55_ResIso = ReadVar3Raw(buf, ref offset, 999);
    if ((primaryBitmap[6] & 1) > 0) de56_ResIso = ReadVar3Raw(buf, ref offset, 999);
    if ((primaryBitmap[7] & 128) > 0) de57_AmtCash = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 12);
    if ((primaryBitmap[7] & 64) > 0) de58_BalanceLedger = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 12);
    if ((primaryBitmap[7] & 32) > 0) de59_BalanceCleared = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 12);
    if ((primaryBitmap[7] & 16) > 0) de60_PreswipeStatus = S(ReadVar3Raw(buf, ref offset, 1));
    if ((primaryBitmap[7] & 8) > 0) de61_ResPriv = ReadVar3Raw(buf, ref offset, 999);
    if ((primaryBitmap[7] & 4) > 0) de62_ResPriv = ReadVar3Raw(buf, ref offset, 999);
    if ((primaryBitmap[7] & 2) > 0) de63_ResPriv = ReadVar3Raw(buf, ref offset, 999);
    if ((primaryBitmap[7] & 1) > 0) de64_MAC = ReadFixRaw(buf, ref offset, 8);
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[0] & 128) > 0) de65_Bitmap = ReadFixRaw(buf, ref offset, 8);
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[0] & 64) > 0) de66_SettleCode = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 1);
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[0] & 32) > 0) de67_ExtPayCode = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 2);
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[0] & 16) > 0) de68_RecvInstCtryCode = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 3);
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[0] & 8) > 0) de69_SettleInstCtryCode = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 3);
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[0] & 4) > 0) de70_NetMgtInfoCode = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 3);
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[0] & 2) > 0) de71_MessageNo = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 4);
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[0] & 1) > 0) de72_MessageNoLast = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 4);
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[1] & 128) > 0) de73_DateAction = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 6);
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[1] & 64) > 0) de74_CreditsNo = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 10);
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[1] & 32) > 0) de75_CreditRevsNo = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 10);
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[1] & 16) > 0) de76_DebitsNo = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 10);
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[1] & 8) > 0) de77_DebitRevsNo = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 10);
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[1] & 4) > 0) de78_TransfersNo = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 10);
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[1] & 2) > 0) de79_TransferRevsNo = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 10);
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[1] & 1) > 0) de80_InquiriesNo = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 10);
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[2] & 128) > 0) de81_AuthsNo = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 10);
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[2] & 64) > 0) de82_CreditsProcFeeAmt = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 12);
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[2] & 32) > 0) de83_CreditsTxnFeeAmt = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 12);
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[2] & 16) > 0) de84_DebitsProcFeeAmt = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 12);
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[2] & 8) > 0) de85_DebitsTxnFeeAmt = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 12);
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[2] & 4) > 0) de86_CreditsAmt = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 16);
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[2] & 2) > 0) de87_CreditRevsAmt = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 16);
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[2] & 1) > 0) de88_DebitsAmt = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 16);
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[3] & 128) > 0) de89_DebitRevsAmt = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 16);
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[3] & 64) > 0) de90_OrigDataElem = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 42);
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[3] & 32) > 0) de91_FileUpdateCode = S(ReadFixRaw(buf, ref offset, 1));
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[3] & 16) > 0) de92_FileSecCode = S(ReadFixRaw(buf, ref offset, 2));
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[3] & 8) > 0) de93_RespInd = S(ReadFixRaw(buf, ref offset, 5));
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[3] & 4) > 0) de94_ServInd = S(ReadFixRaw(buf, ref offset, 7));
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[3] & 2) > 0) de95_ReplAmts = S(ReadFixRaw(buf, ref offset, 42));
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[3] & 1) > 0) de96_MsgSecCode = ReadFixRaw(buf, ref offset, 8);
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[4] & 128) > 0) de97_AmtNetSetl = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 16);
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[4] & 64) > 0) de98_Payee = ReadVar2Raw(buf, ref offset, 25);
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[4] & 32) > 0) de99_SettleInstIdCode = ReadVar2Packed(buf, ref offset, 11);
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[4] & 16) > 0) de100_RecvInstIdCode = ReadVar2Packed(buf, ref offset, 11);
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[4] & 8) > 0) de101_FileName = S(ReadVar2Raw(buf, ref offset, 17));
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[4] & 4) > 0) de102_AcctId1 = ReadVar2Raw(buf, ref offset, 28);
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[4] & 2) > 0) de103_AcctId2 = ReadVar2Raw(buf, ref offset, 28);
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[4] & 1) > 0) de104_TxnDesc = ReadVar3Raw(buf, ref offset, 100);
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[5] & 128) > 0) de105_ResvIso = ReadVar3Raw(buf, ref offset, 999);
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[5] & 64) > 0) de106_ResvIso = ReadVar3Raw(buf, ref offset, 999);
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[5] & 32) > 0) de107_ResvIso = ReadVar3Raw(buf, ref offset, 999);
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[5] & 16) > 0) de108_ResvIso = ReadVar3Raw(buf, ref offset, 999);
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[5] & 8) > 0) de109_ResvIso = ReadVar3Raw(buf, ref offset, 999);
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[5] & 4) > 0) de110_ResvIso = ReadVar3Raw(buf, ref offset, 999);
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[5] & 2) > 0) de111_ResvIso = ReadVar3Raw(buf, ref offset, 999);
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[5] & 1) > 0) de112_ResvNat = ReadVar3Raw(buf, ref offset, 999);
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[6] & 128) > 0) de113_ResvNat = ReadVar3Raw(buf, ref offset, 999);
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[6] & 64) > 0) de114_ResvNat = ReadVar3Raw(buf, ref offset, 999);
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[6] & 32) > 0) de115_ResvNat = ReadVar3Raw(buf, ref offset, 999);
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[6] & 16) > 0) de116_ResvNat = ReadVar3Raw(buf, ref offset, 999);
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[6] & 8) > 0) de117_CardStatUpdCode = S(ReadFixRaw(buf, ref offset, 2));
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[6] & 4) > 0) de118_TotalCashNo = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 10);
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[6] & 2) > 0) de119_TotalCashAmt = ReadFixPacked(buf, ref offset, 16);
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[6] & 1) > 0) de120_ResvPriv = ReadVar3Raw(buf, ref offset, 999);
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[7] & 128) > 0) de121_ResvPriv = ReadVar3Raw(buf, ref offset, 999);
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[7] & 64) > 0) de122_ResvPriv = ReadVar3Raw(buf, ref offset, 999);
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[7] & 32) > 0) de123_ResvPriv = ReadVar3Raw(buf, ref offset, 999);
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[7] & 16) > 0) de124_ResvPriv = ReadVar3Raw(buf, ref offset, 999);
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[7] & 8) > 0) de125_ResvPriv = ReadVar3Raw(buf, ref offset, 999);
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[7] & 4) > 0) de126_ResvPriv = ReadVar3Raw(buf, ref offset, 999);
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[7] & 2) > 0) de127_ResvPriv = ReadVar3Raw(buf, ref offset, 999);
    if ((de1_SecondaryBitmap[7] & 1) > 0) de128_MAC = ReadFixRaw(buf, ref offset, 8);

  /// <summary>
  /// Format the fields as a nice string using reflection
  /// </summary>
  public override string ToString()
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    foreach (FieldInfo i in this.GetType().GetFields())
      object val = i.GetValue(this);
      if (val != null)
        if (val is byte[])
          sb.AppendFormat("{0}: {1}\r\n", i.Name, BitConverter.ToString((byte[])val));
          sb.AppendFormat("{0}: {1}\r\n", i.Name, val);
    return sb.ToString();

  #region Internal helpers
  /// <summary>
  /// Converts 0-15 to '0-9A-F'
  /// </summary>
  char XtoC(int x)
    if (x < 10) return (char)('0' + x);
    return (char)('A' + (x - 10));

  /// <summary>
  /// Grab bytes from a buffer
  /// </summary>
  byte[] B(byte[] buf, int off, int len)
    byte[] a = new byte[len];
    Array.Copy(buf, off, a, 0, len);
    return a;

  /// <summary>
  /// Converts a buffer to a string
  /// </summary>
  string S(byte[] buf)
    return Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buf);
  byte[] ReadFixRaw(byte[] buf, ref int offset, int len)
    byte[] val = B(buf, offset, len);
    offset += len;
    return val;

  byte[] ReadVar2Raw(byte[] buf, ref int offset, int unused)
    int len = (buf[offset] - 0x30) * 10 + buf[offset + 1] - 0x30;
    int oldoffset = offset;
    offset += len + 2;
    return B(buf, oldoffset + 2, len);

  byte[] ReadVar3Raw(byte[] buf, ref int offset, int unused)
    int len = (buf[offset]-0x30)*100 + (buf[offset+1]-0x30)*10 + buf[offset+2]-0x30;
    int oldoffset = offset;
    offset += len + 3;
    return B(buf, oldoffset + 3, len);

  /// <summary>
  /// Reads an LLVARn
  /// eg input: 31 31 12 34 56 78 91 2F
  /// 31 31 is ascii '11' which means 11 numbers
  /// Those 11 numbers are binary packed decimal = 1234567891
  /// The 'F' at the end is filler.
  /// </summary>
  string ReadVar2Packed(byte[] buf, ref int offset, int unused)
    int len = (buf[offset] - 0x30) * 10 + (buf[offset + 1] - 0x30);
    int bytes = (len + 1) / 2; // The +1 is so it rounds up
    byte b;
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(len);
    if (len % 2 == 0) // Even number of chars, so there's no padding at the end
      for (int i = 0; i < bytes; i++)
        b = buf[offset + 2 + i];
        sb.Append(XtoC(b >> 4)).Append(XtoC(b & 0xf));
      int i;
      for (i = 0; i < bytes - 1; i++)
        b = buf[offset + 2 + i];
        sb.Append(XtoC(b >> 4)).Append(XtoC(b & 0xf));
      sb.Append(XtoC(buf[offset + 2 + i] >> 4)); // Get the last char
    offset += bytes + 2;
    return sb.ToString();

  /// <summary>
  /// Reads an LLLVARn
  /// eg input: 30 31 31 12 34 56 78 91 2F
  /// 30 31 31 is ascii '011' which means 11 numbers
  /// Those 11 numbers are binary packed decimal = 1234567891
  /// The 'F' at the end is filler.
  /// </summary>
  string ReadVar3Packed(byte[] buf, ref int offset, int unused)
    int len = (buf[offset] - 0x30) * 100 + (buf[offset + 1] - 0x30) * 10 + (buf[offset + 2] - 0x30);
    int bytes = (len + 1) / 2; // The +1 is so it rounds up
    byte b;
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(len);
    if (len % 2 == 0) // Even number of chars, so there's no padding at the end
      for (int i = 0; i < bytes; i++)
        b = buf[offset + 3 + i];
        sb.Append(XtoC(b >> 4)).Append(XtoC(b & 0xf));
      int i;
      for (i = 0; i < bytes - 1; i++)
        b = buf[offset + 3 + i];
        sb.Append(XtoC(b >> 4)).Append(XtoC(b & 0xf));
      sb.Append(XtoC(buf[offset + 3 + i] >> 4)); // Get the last char
    offset += bytes + 3;
    return sb.ToString();

  /// <summary>
  /// Parse a fixed length packed [hexi]decimal field
  /// If it is an odd number of digits, it skips the first nibble
  /// eg for input 0x01 23 of length 3, it grabs the "123"
  /// </summary>
  string ReadFixPacked(byte[] buf, ref int offset, int len)
    int bytes = (len + 1) / 2; // The +1 is so it rounds up
    byte b;
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(len);
    if (len % 2 == 0) // Even number of chars, so there's no padding at the end
      for (int i = 0; i < bytes; i++)
        b = buf[offset + i];
        sb.Append(XtoC(b >> 4)).Append(XtoC(b & 0xf));
    else // Odd number
      int i;
      sb.Append(XtoC(buf[offset] & 0xf)); // Get the first char from the second nibble
      for (i = 1; i < bytes; i++)
        b = buf[offset + i];
        sb.Append(XtoC(b >> 4)).Append(XtoC(b & 0xf));
    offset += bytes;
    return sb.ToString();

And here’s example code to use it:

using System;

class Program
  static void Main(string[] args)
    // Raw bytes for an AS2805 message
    byte[] message = new byte[] {
      0x02, 0x00,
      0x80, 0x38, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0xC1, 0x00, 0x00,
      0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
      0x65, 0x43, 0x21,
      0x13, 0x58, 0x40,
      0x04, 0x19,
      0x31, 0x31, 0x00, 0x08, 0x76, 0x54, 0x32, 0x1F,
      0x30, 0x30,
      0x38, 0x34, 0x30, 0x37, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34,
      0x37, 0x37, 0x37, 0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x32, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x32, 0x31,
      0x30, 0x30, 0x38,
      0x8C, 0xA0, 0xA6, 0x42, 0x0C, 0x5C, 0xA6, 0x28,
      0x01, 0x23};

    // Parse the bytes into an instance of the message class
    As2805Message m = new As2805Message(message);

    // Display the parsed fields

    Console.WriteLine("Press a key");

Thanks for reading, I hope this helps you, God bless :)

Thanks for reading! And if you want to get in touch, I'd love to hear from you: chris.hulbert at gmail.

Chris Hulbert

(Comp Sci, Hons - UTS)

iOS Developer (Freelancer / Contractor) in Australia.

I have worked at places such as Google, Cochlear, Assembly Payments, News Corp, Fox Sports, NineMSN, FetchTV, Coles, Woolworths, Trust Bank, and Westpac, among others. If you're looking for help developing an iOS app, drop me a line!

Get in touch:
[email protected]

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